
Privacy Policy

When you visit our website, various sets of information are collected, including the IP address from which you access the website, the version and type of web browser you use to access the website, the operating system used, any referring domain and the time of the request. This information does not enable us to identify the individual user and we have no intention of attempting to do so. We use the data collected for statistical purposes only, primarily to help us improve the content, look and feel of our website. Please note that we may collect additional data, including e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses and names, which you voluntarily provide to us when using our website. You can still pay for and use our services without providing us with this personal data, either by accessing our services using a pseudonym or anonymous data.
This website uses cookies to collect data used for statistical purposes. Cookies are small files stored on your computer's hard drive that monitor your activity while using our website, providing useful data that will help us make navigation easier. When cookies are stored on your computer, you do not need to enter all the data required to use this website on each visit. This data enables us to customize our website to suit your specific needs and preferences, and is part of our efforts to provide you with seamless access to pages and services. If you do not wish cookies to be stored on your computer, you can use your browser settings to refuse cookies from our website. To find out how to configure your web browser to manage cookies, please consult the help center of the browser you are using. You can delete cookies already stored on your computer at any time. Please note that disabling cookies may restrict certain features of our website and you may not enjoy a fully streamlined experience.Unless otherwise specified in this statement, any data you share with us, or any data we collect from you when using our website, will be kept secret and will not be disclosed to third parties, except in situations where this is a legal obligation, or where such data must be passed on for the purposes of implementing the contractual relationship to which you subscribe. Third-party partners and companies, including online payment providers, access this data only when necessary to process your order. In this case, we ensure that the extent of data transmission is limited to the agreed essential minimum. We also apply a strict data protection policy to all personal data that you provide to us or with which we come into contact, and our action in this respect complies with the provisions of data protection legislation. Please note that we are not responsible for the data you provide to other service providers. We only take steps to ensure that data shared with other service providers complies with legal requirements for data protection and privacy, as set out in our privacy policy.\n
This website uses Google Analytics, an analytics service supported by Google, which helps websites understand how to personalize pages to improve the user experience. This service uses cookies to track your actions, including the time you spend on our site and the pages you visit. Please note that no personal data about you is collected through our Google Analytics account, which means that we are unable to identify individuals who have visited our website. You can find out more about Google Analytics on the official Google Analytics page.\n
We use Google AdWords Remarketing for Internet advertising purposes. The AdWords remarketing program enables us to display relevant advertisements based on the pages of our website that you have visited. This information is collected by a cookie placed on your computer. THIS COOKIE DOES NOT IDENTIFY ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION AND DOES NOT ALLOW ACCESS TO YOUR COMPUTER. Through the Google AdWords Remarketing program, we are able to personalize our marketing to meet your needs and only show you ads that you may prefer to see.\n
A Facebook personalized audience pixel is a piece of JavaScript code installed on each page of our website that collects and transmits user-defined data to Facebook's marketing program. We use this service to collect data about user behavior on our website. The data collected by the pixel includes the user's browsing session, which is transmitted to Facebook together with a hashed Facebook ID, and the URL visited by the user. Each Facebook user has a unique, device-independent Facebook ID, which enables us to track users of our site when they access it from a wide range of devices. We use this data for marketing purposes, in particular to target advertisements with the facebook ads platform.ÑNEWSLETTER:ÑYou can only receive advertising information from our newsletter if you have authorized us to use your e-mail address for this purpose. Our web site or its affiliates will never send you newsletters or advertising e-mails to which you have not subscribed. By subscribing to our newsletter, you can choose your areas of interest in order to receive relevant e-mails. We use this data, along with your personal data, to share information of interest to you. If you prefer not to receive our newsletter or promotional e-mails, you can click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the e-mail.


L'Hôtel Bleu, a journey between sky and sea.